Welcome. Edgartown News was born from the simple fact that I have ink and Dektol in my veins and I need to write and photograph more than I need air or food, and from my love for this little town where I grew up and raised my family, the town I have left a few times but can't quite shake for good. Here you will find the wanderings and musings, photographs and commentary; the people, places, and happenings - past and present - of a small island town: my home town.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark Edition

Day two of fog and gloom, which is no help during these seemingly unending days of uncertainty and social isolation. A bright spot in my day was a drive up to Middle Road, Chilmark, with no particular destination in mind, and half thinking, "Okay, nothing new to photograph up that way, I'm sure; I've seen it all a hundred times," while keeping my mind open.  After spying possible photo opportunities while driving past Brookside Farm, I pulled into the Tiasquam Valley parking lot and took a stroll down Middle Road where I found oxen and attendant humans, and, as an added bonus, I happened upon a flock of baby lambs at Midnight Farm. I absolutely love the freedom the Lumix has afforded me - providing me with an excellent lightweight pro camera that is always with me - a true extension of myself and my therapy at the moment.

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm
Look closely - can you see the little man dancing between the stones?
Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm
Brookside Farm
Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm
Red and yellow.
Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm
(to get to the other side)
Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm
I loved this cute little feller, one of several of this year's spring lambs that were gamboling about the paddock at Mermaid Farm. Seeing nature continuing to behave normally is reassuring on some kind of subliminal level, I suppose.
Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm
A communal dinner table for sheep.
Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm
Thus dispelling the assumption that these massive animals with the long pointy horns are in any way dangerous. 
Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm

Edgartown News, Middle Road, Chilmark, lambs, oxen, Brookside Farm, Mermaid Farm


  1. I love this post - glad you're blogging again! I only see the island for a week or long weekend each year usually in summer time. Seeing it through your lens is a treat.

  2. Thank you. Good to hear from you, Karen. This is my therapy at the moment. I hope you're doing well and I hope you'll stop by and visit me the next time you're on the island.
