Welcome. Edgartown News was born from the simple fact that I have ink and Dektol in my veins and I need to write and photograph more than I need air or food, and from my love for this little town where I grew up and raised my family, the town I have left a few times but can't quite shake for good. Here you will find the wanderings and musings, photographs and commentary; the people, places, and happenings - past and present - of a small island town: my home town.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Music on Main Street

It couldn't have been a more perfect weekend - perfect weather, a perfect blend of friends and music, and a perfect variety of guest stars who happened by - including (but not limited to) the group of dancers who walked in off the street last night; my cousin Edson Rodgerswho blew us out of the water with a guest appearance with his horn; the lass - Katrina - who stepped up and sang us a song; and last but not least, the young man from Brazil who was apparently moved to tears by the music he heard coming from the porch and stopped and sat with us a while. It was great to have Mary Wolverton on board, too, with her friend Tim from Iowa. With a special thank you to my guests Rosanne, Wynter, and Dan - who made the trek down from Boston and environs - no easy feat on an August Saturday, particularly when the president of the USA is pulling into town on the same day. The plu-perfect weekend was topped off by a showing of the super Sturgeon Moon on Sunday night.

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session

Edgartown News, Sara Piazza Photography, Edgartown Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Photographer, Martha's Vineyard Family and Wedding Photographer, Irish traditional music, Vineyard Irish session